Saturday, June 16, 2012


Taking it back a week (where did the time go??!!):  Dr. Lall arranged a tour of all the sites we hadn’t seen yet for last Saturday. It was really awesome. We checked out Red Fort (palace like grounds with elephant gates, marble rooms, and beautiful gardens dating back to 1638), the ruins of Qutb Minar (dating to Islamic rule in India), Bahai Temple (Lotus Temple), Jama Masjid (enormous mosque dating to 1571), and Gandhi Smirti (the residence where Gandhi spent his final days and where he was killed) which was the most peaceful and beautiful place we had been. Everyone was quiet and helpful, the grounds were simple and beautiful, and there was a pervading sense of calm and meditation throughout. A perfect tribute for ‘the father of India’.    All of our other destinations were quite awe inspiring as well and the whole day was one of the best we’ve spent in Delhi since we arrived.  J
Gandhi's footsteps to his place of martyrdom

Where Gandhi slept

Red Fort
Qtub Minar

Being silly at the ruins


Qtub Minar ruins

Beautiful tomb within the ruins

The stone work is incredible!!

Bahai Temple


  1. Wow...I feel like a total broken record but so amazing. Love looking at this blog.

  2. Picture no. 2 has me asking myself, "why do I have so much stuff?"

  3. Thanks Jill :) Cert, I couldn't help but feel the same way. I'm sure there's a happy medium somewhere. :) The whole place carried his spirit. It was really quite shocking in the middle of such a busy and noisy city. We felt we had entered another world.
